Join us and our guide, Bob Barnes for a day hike in the Canebrake Ecological Reserve. We will hike the upper end of the South Fork Kern River Valley. Surrounded by exquisite scenery including 292,431 acres of Congressionally designated wilderness areas (Domeland, Kiavah, Owens Peak) This approximately 7,200-acre property includes the following units: Bloomfield Ranch, Canebrake Creek, Cap Canyon, and Scodie Ranch. Habitat types include valley foothill riparian, valley foothill hardwood-conifer/blue oak-digger pine, sagebrush, Joshua tree, riverine, lacustrine, fresh emergent wetland, wet meadow, pasture, and cropland. Hundreds of bird species occur on the property, as well as numerous mammal, reptile, and butterfly species. Fish species include western suckers, hardhead, and Sacramento squawfish. Please dress according to the days forecasted weather, comfortable shoes and a backpack with water and snacks. Binoculars and cameras are recommended for viewing wildlife. This is a family friendly event with a very flat trail. We will meet at 10:00am at the trailhead.